Friday, September 02, 2005


Hey, it's me again!

Yes, don't let the furry and harmless look fool you. You'd never know when they strike and lunge at you. I mean, you've seen in the tv programme, When Animals Attack!, haven't you? I was totally shocked when the seemingly harmless bear sitting next to the woman suddenly decided to hurl the woman around like a toy!

Sometimes you watch a documentary on NGC or Discovery Channel, you can't help but wonder when you see one of these, "How the heck did they become so bloody violent when they look so cute?!!". So innocent and playful, you wanna tease it all day long! Then again, see them again a year later and you change your mind about trying to go near it to cuddle or play.

But anyway, just appreciate nature from afar, and I guarantee your opinion about them will stay the same.


Linx said...

wahahaha!!! The first pic..its so funny! What is it? Looks like some sort of bear Panda.. hmm.. "Hi!"

Not that they are violent..just that sometimes humans are too much and humans can be quite irritating...

Mandy said...

Ya. It's hard to predict them. But if they don't have any kind of protection for themselves, I think they gonna distinct.

Malicious said...

I believe the panda chai was knocking or leaning against a glass panel or something, else it wouldn't be able to do its pose, hha! Well, everyone seems very adored by it.

Anonymous said...

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