Saturday, July 15, 2006

The mystery guest!!!

Squeak!!! A warm greeting from Serene squeak after her long time of MIA......

p/s: for those who dont understand what MIA stands for... it is abbr of Missing In Action actually ;-)

so... today Serene are here to introduce the mystery furry guest here....

Opps.... the mystery guest of Serene is kinda shy.... so just showing the furry paw....
so the furry friends just be patient, k??

There you are... my friend... our mystery guest finally showing herself =D Anyway.... this is taken during her two months old....

Hi everyone, my name is Yuki... how are u furry guys doing??

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Best Guinea Wardrobe Of The Year.

the ikea inspired guinea

the Ashlee Simpson MismatcHed

and the strawberry shortcake flavoured guiNea (in case u are huNgry)

whicH do u like best??!