Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A matter of opinions.... or is it?

Awww..... now isn't this nice? A whole group of furry friends sitting together quietly, happily munching away at some grass or guinea seed, peacefully, slowly feeding.... see? Such serenity! (No, this has nothing to do with Serene, heh heh!) Everybody or at least 70% of the people you know likes to view cute and peaceful pictures. Rather than some horrid scene of people killing people, or people killing animals, or animals killing people... sincerely, which one do you prefer?

People killing animals? Here's a treat for you then:

Damn, now ain't that a sight to behold? And you were eating chicken just the other day...

Or perhaps you'd prefer to see animals kill other animals?

Not sure if you got my point...


Mandy said...

"Rather than some horrid scene of people killing people, or people killing animals, or animals killing people"

Don't like at all.

CY said...

Unfortunately, these things can't be avoided. Humans need to eat to keep surviving. But what is not right is killing protected animals for their meats or for selling. Animals killing animals is a nature. We can't interfere with that or we might disturb the habitat. Hmm.. did we learn that in Sains, Biologi or Alam & Manusia??

Malicious said...

Makan "Zhai"

Linx said...

hehe!! Makan "zhai" (vegetarian ler)is really a good idead.. think about it ;)

Malicious said...

See my cute avatar! Yes, it's vegetarian, and if you wanna be as cute as it, be vegetarian! lol