Friday, June 24, 2005


Yep, eating is what every living, breathing and squeaking thing has to do.

It's only now that I understand why cartoonists draw hamsters and guinea pig's mouth the way they do. Didn't really know why, until I saw this picture of course! (refer to the guinea pig on the right)

I enjoy watching animals feed, except for carnivores definitely. It's one of the reasons I am vegetarian, for 81% of my life. My ol' guinea pig Mimi was exceptionally naughty when it comes to feeding. Feed it too often with carrots, it'll eat a little, then start throwing his food around by biting it and carrying it up vertically, then smash it on the ground! I used to be rather amused by the sight of it, but decidedly stopped being so cruel and fed it with cucumber (its fav) the next few days. Imagine if your mom were to cook bitter gourd everyday for lunch and dinner for the whole week!!


Linx said...

Really miss our Mimi Chai! Cucumber it's fav.. after that he'll wet his entired cage!!

Mandy said...

Wow! Your Mimi so cute geh.

Linx said...

Yeah, my Mimi chai very cute one! That old man ah very naughty, when you call him he will respond by it call purring ah? When you bring the food to them they will squeak with execitement! Very load squeak indeed! lolz.. I miss the feller so much.

Mandy said...

So cute! ^^

Malicious said...

Ya, so cute!!
But not gonna keep another guinea pig anymore, don't wanna be too attached, sad only when it dies...

Mandy said...

I'm goin to buy hamster / hamsters. I do consider this issue too. I’m struggling now.

Malicious said...

Well, if you are buying hamsters, at least if 1 dies, you are not gonna feel so sad cos you still have other ones... but of course, sadness lingers.

Consider this, if you buy 1 hamster, it'll be a lonely hamster...poor thing, you know? at least buy 2 or 3, then they get to play! Up to you entirely, actually.

Linx said...

if u feel like getting one just go ahead dear...but make sure you take real good care of it