Monday, May 16, 2005

Friends you keep for life

Yes, I'm the brown one, Warren's the black one! Yo dude, if you ever read this, take it as a compliment k? Better be thankful I ain't posting a pic that shows something vulgar with a ring attached to it not too long ago, lolz! Ok, I'm a dead man walking!! Posted by Hello

I remember the time when we were in Form 1, and you made so much noise that that Pn Chan made us stand up throughout the whole class!! Lol, that was actually very funny, thinking back, and I scolded you for dragging me into the mess. I miss those days a lot, and they'd most probably won't come around anymore... but we'll remain best buddies forever, even though we might have end up in different continents and pursuing different goals in life, and that I'm FAIR and you're BLACK, lolz. You take care man... I'll see the piercing on your nipple when you return next month and you can show me the video again...sick!


Mandy said...

Everyone will go through this...
Anyway, touch by your words.
Recall back some memories...:)

Linx said...

WoW ring on nipples!
Pain >_< Pain >_<

suerrealis said...

why not do a photo editting on the kitties? ear-PiErciNg maybe? thOSe big ears need some grooMing aNd accesorIes

not so pain i guess?

suerrealis said...


Mandy said...
