Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Boo! (When you wanna scare someone)
Coo! (The sounds pigeons make)
Doo! (Part of the word doodle?)
Foo! (Foo Fighters, heard of them?)
Goo! (An elongated version of the word go!)
Hoo! (Boo Hoo!!)
Joo! (I've no idea what this means...)
Koo! (Surnames of certain people I know)
Loo! (The toilet)
Moo! (The sounds cows make)
Noo! (Exclaiming the word 'No' in an elongated fashion as well)
Ooo! (Exclamation, when you find something interesting)
Poo! (Shit)
Roo! (As in kangaroo)
Soo! (Sooooo....wanna meet up, handsome?)
Too! (When you want in on a deal)
Voo! (Yup, no idea what this is either!)
Woo! (You wanna court someone, so you pull off some moves, with hopes you get to woo her)
Yoo! (Another elongated word, for the word 'Yo!')
Zoo! (A place with many animals in cages for your viewing pleasure...)

Note: All of the words above started with a consonant.


YueN said...

Actually, "goo" is a realy word. It's something slimy basically.

"Garry has got lots of goo-ey looking stuff on his face, so we must all avoid him like crazyyy"

YueN said...
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Linx said...

Tat's pretty neat!
Goo-ey looking stuff eh Yuen?

Malicious said...

Must be from some heifer =)