Thursday, July 19, 2007

I could use a dip!

I've always enjoyed swimming... I'm pretty sure everyone who knows how to swim loves it too! It's a great way to exercise for one, where you don't strain your joints compared to jogging or walking. What's more, it's more of a total package because you work the entire body rather than just the upper or the lower portion.I wish I could swim like an otter... Have you seen the way they break the shells of the clams they eat? Cute, I tell you! I considered going for a swim the past weeks but just didn't find the time and the motivation to go. Possibly it's the lack of company, and the timing. Firstly, Teng Teng was free during the weekdays but I ain't. Our weekends are just packed with activities laid out several weeks back (blockbusters coming out this summer, they're crazy I tell ya! Movies this year are good you wanna bang your head in disbelief!).
These days, the weather's a little warm + a bit of haze. I'm actually choking from my mucus this morning. I don't know about you, but I need to drink more water and get more sleep to prevent myself from falling sick.

1 comment:

Linx said...

"Bang bang!! I wanna eat you!" *the fat otter bangs shell on belly* lolz

I Wonder if the fat boar could do that??