Wednesday, May 24, 2006

We Are The Champions!

Don't play-play.. we're the Olympic champions... of the Animal Kingdom!

I am the CHIMP-ion!

I believe I can flyyyy....

The winner will take on the (human) sumo wrestler!


Malicious said...

Wow, animal champs! Hmm, anyone seen a guinea pig slap a giraffe twice on the face with its hind legs? lol!

I saw it happen thru my very own eyes!

suerrealis said...

yeah it must have happened between u and fellow karate/TaekwoNdo member during practice, and he/she has gotta be (like very TALL) HAhahahaha!

Malicious said...

Oh, Sue's so smart! Pooh bears are alwiz so imaginative! Exams begin this Wed, till at least the 12th, I won't be around...