Thursday, December 29, 2005

Need someone to listen to you? I'm all ears!!

It appears to me that not a lot of people know how to listen properly these days. Yes it's true, the hear what you're saying, but they may not be listening. Take me for example, when I'm occupied with something important to me, I may respond to you when you say something, but I may not be actually registering what you said in my mind, and just somehow, some random crap actually comes outta my mouth and answers! Linx suffers from this dillema all the time, and in the end, I'm the one who gets it after all! Btw, have you even noticed just how large some people's ears are? Take this one for example:
Yeah, I know a person who actually had ears that resembled that of a monkey's. Now now, no names will be mentioned here, but I think Sue might know who I'm talking about, along with Chee Lay, Thomas, etc. Wait a minute, Sue doesn't know because I never told her, but I believe she knows that person.
Ok, enough of that. And then there's Dumbo, the elephant fly! Ms Koo from the land of Oz just loves it, being the chief reason she fell in love with elephants in the first place!

Awww, now ain't that a cute feller? I remember watching Dumbo over and over and over again when I was still a kid. I found D (short for Dumbo here) very adorable (not ugly) especially when it came out of the sheets that the storks dropped. So cuddly! Now Ms Koo from the land of Oz, make sure you keep that elephant soft toy clean and nice ya! And then there's rabbits. When it comes to ears, you can never escape the term....

I have always wondered, why it doesn't hurt them to hold them by their ears, solely due to the memory of a neighbour of mine when I lived in Ampang as a child who tried to carry good ol' Mimi (my long dead guinea pig) by its ears!! Man, it squeaked like it never squeaked before! And for all reasons, it squeaked in absolute pain!! We quickly reached out and grabbed Mimi back before its fat body could tear from its ears and dropped to the ground with a thud. Hmm, speaking of which, no matter how large, cavies will always have these kind of ears.....


Serene said...

awwww.... is the lil mimi in the pic??
it is soooo loveeeeyyyy :D

Malicious said...

Nope, it just ripped it off some page using google search for images. But is's cute, isn't it? So innocent looking!

Linx said...

Maybe next time i'll scan our lil Mimi for ur viewing pleasure..
hmm...not listening and answering crap eh?? I hope our conversation last night is a perfect example of "Not listening" syndrom

Mandy said...

My ears oso very big! LOL

suerrealis said...

who got monkey eaRs woR??????