Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Making up

Well, the first kind of making up would refer to the picture . I don't understand why they'd bothered with putting on these kind of cream and perfectly fine cucumber (when you can feed guinea pigs more of these and make them pee more wetting their newspaper covers), and I never will, since I don't do so, lol! Anyway, if so many people were to do it (yes, that includes men, I've seen it!), it must work to beautify. And wholla, the end result may be stunning! Yeap, then you get to sing 'I Feel Pretty' from West Side Story.

Then there's applying lipstick, the most crucial part in making up.... I remember watching Kung Fu Hustle, and the 'Ah Chan' was applying lipstick when her building shook and caused her to literally scribble her side of her mouth. Well, you may also recall that your younger brother always stole your lipstick and applied it secretly, pretending to be a girl (that is if you're a girl, and you have a younger bro). Flashback to the scene in the movie 'The Hot Chick'. Go watch if you haven't, laughed my sides till it hurt.

The end result after a series of make up:

Ain't I pretty??

As for the second type of making up.... well, let's just keep it out of this blog, lol! Kruk Kruk Kruk!


Serene said...

so.... malicious... do u... err... stole ur sis or mom lipstick and haha... applied it secretly???

CY said...

hahaha, i bet he did!! Only those with experience can tell us the story eh? Plus, who is he? M-A-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!! yup, The Hot Chick is such a hilarious show :P

Linx said...

hehehe... lip stick eh??? Wahahaha... I remember!!! :P

suerrealis said...

when can we see malicious all dolled up like guinea in kimonos?

Malicious said...

Oh, guinea in kimono, how cute (arghh, everybody jumping at the chance of blasting back at me for teasing you all so much!)...

Well, I remember buying a RM1 birthday present for mom when I was like 7, cos I had no money to buy anything else, lol! Never put on lipstick before though, don't like it. Tried lip gloss once, but I really detested the feel of somehting like that on my lips...