My bro used to have hamsters once. Jesus H Christ, he'll never have any more while I'm still alive. The first two he had died of starvation. The next 4 reproduced and created a small civilization. They didn't evolve into intelligent beings though-there wasn't enough time; and besides, when you're a cannibal, all you wanna do is eat your co-workers, get some boomboom and sleep. Well, what happened was, brother of mine sold a few, and didnt bother with the rest. You see, we (he, actually) had a maze, and those furry dimwits used to live in that maze most of the time. My brother ( who was a bigger dimwit) didn't was the cage or maze or change the bedding for - go ahead, guess.8 months
I sh*t you not. Urine, crap and God knows what else collected, and soon our furry little cannibals were happily (come to think of it, I don't think they were happy..would you be happy swimming around in a pile of your own sh*t?) swimming aroud in the floating garden of feces. So, yeah a good kick and a nice punch later, he cleaned em up, and they lived for a year or so after that. But guess who disposed of the dead bodies which the little dipsh*t was too scared to touch? :P
I skipped class. Dude, I am so dead. Path Phys test tomorrow and I ain't prepared. No furry things there , though. On another note , Did you hear about Fred Durst's leaked home sex videos ? He's quite furry on the belly, although his wee wee (which is soooo small that its only a "wee" ) isn't furry at all. Hmm. Does that count?